Breast cancer is a serious disease that affects more than 1 in 8 women in the United States. It’s also one of the most preventable diseases, so it’s important that we all learn as much as possible about it. In this blog post, we will explore some breast cancer awareness strategies that you can use to raise awareness of the disease and help support those who are fighting it. We’ll also provide tips on how to fundraise for breast cancer research and support organizations that are working to make a difference in the fight against this deadly disease.

Breast Cancer Facts
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the second most common cancer in men. Breast cancer affects mostly women over 50, but it can affect anyone at any age. In 2016, breast cancer will kill more women than any other form of cancer.
There are three types of breast cancer: estrogen receptor positive (ER+), estrogen receptor negative (ER-), and HER2 positive. The risk of developing breast cancer changes based on your genetics, age, sex, and reproductive history.
The best way to reduce your risk of breast cancer is to get screened regularly for breast abnormalities. If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancers, you may want to consider getting screened sooner rather than later. Screening can include a physical exam and regular mammography screening beginning at the age of 40 years old for women without symptoms and at 25 years old for those who have symptoms such as persistent bad breasts or new lump or swelling in the breasts.
If you are diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, there are treatments available that can lengthen your life significantly. However, advanced stage breast cancers are typically fatal unless treated aggressively with surgery and radiation therapy. About one quarter of women who receive treatment for early stage breast cancers will die from their disease, while about half will survive longer than five years after diagnosis with metastatic disease (cancer that has spread).
Breast Cancer Symptoms
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible: a lump or swelling in your breast, nipple discharge that is unusual in color or quantity, sharp pain when you move your arm or chest, fever,chesnut-sized growths on a breast exam.
What to do if you find out you have breast cancer
If you find out that you have breast cancer, there are a few things that you should do. First, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. You will need to have a physical exam to check for other health conditions and see if the cancer has spread. If the cancer is found to have spread, your treatment will likely be more intensive.
Next, you should start taking care of your body by eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise. This will help to prevent the cancer from spreading and also improve your overall health.
Finally, keep up with your treatment plan by regularly attending follow-up appointments with your doctor. By doing this, you can ensure that the treatment is working and that you are comfortable with the outcome.

How to Prepare for Breast Cancer Treatment
When it comes to breast cancer, prevention is always the best policy. But if you’re already diagnosed, there are a few things you can do to make your treatment as successful as possible. Here are some tips for preparing for treatment:
1. Make a list of your symptoms and seek medical advice as soon as you notice anything out of the ordinary. Breast cancer can often be slow-growing, so it’s important to get proper diagnosis and treatment early on in order to reduce the risk of metastasis (spreading of the cancer throughout your body).
2. Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor to make sure that the cancer hasn’t spread or changed in any other way since your last visit. In cases where the cancer has progressed, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be required in addition to traditional medical treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy.
3. Bring copies of all relevant medical records with you when visiting a hospital or clinic for treatment, as well as any x-rays or scans from before you became ill. This will help ensure that correct treatments are given and that no evidence is lost during the course of treatment.
4. Make arrangements for someone else to take care of pets while you’re away at treatment appointments, since animals can sometimes act as emotional support during difficult times.
5. Stress is one of the most common causes of devastating health problems like breast cancer, so try to keep things upbeat while undergoing treatment by focusing
Breast Cancer Survival Rates
There are many strategies to help prevent breast cancer including getting regular mammograms, eating a healthy diet, and being aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer.
The survival rates for breast cancer vary depending on the stage at which it is diagnosed. However, overall, the survival rates for breast cancer have increased in recent years. In 2012, the five-year survival rate for women with early-stage breast cancer was 84%. Five-year survival rates for women with late-stage breast cancer were estimated to be around 77%.
Some factors that may affect a woman’s chance of surviving breast cancer include age, race, history of ovarian or other cancers, family history of breast or ovarian cancer, and hormone levels.

Breast cancer is a disease that affects the female body, and it is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In order to help raise awareness for this deadly disease, here are some Breast Cancer Awareness Strategies that you can use in your social media accounts: 1. Share stories of survivors – Some women have faced breast cancer without knowing it and survived. Share their stories on social media as a way to motivate others who might be struggling. 2. Use hashtags – Including specific breast cancer awareness hashtags in your posts can help increase visibility for the cause. Check out our list of top breast cancer awareness hashtags here! 3. Donate to charity – Many women choose to donate funds raised through social media campaigns towards various charities working to fight breast cancer. Choose one or more organizations to support and make a donation through your social media account. 4. Attend pink runs/walks – Participating in or sponsoring a pink run or walk provides an opportunity to encourage others while raising funds for important charities working on behalf of those affected by breast cancer. Working together, we can make a difference in the fight against this deadly disease!