Neville Goddard, a visionary thinker and lecturer, was known for his profound teachings on manifestation and the power of assumptions. Born in Barbados in 1905, he dedicated his life to exploring the potential of the human mind. Through his lectures and books, Neville encouraged individuals to tap into their inner creativity and transform their reality through conscious assumptions.

Goddard’s philosophy centered around the idea that our assumptions shape our experiences. He believed that by changing our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, we could manifest our deepest desires effortlessly. According to him, everything we experience is a result of what we assume to be true.

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What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption, a fundamental concept in Neville Goddard’s teachings, revolves around the belief that assumptions shape our reality. It suggests that what we assume to be true will eventually manifest in our lives. In simple terms, it emphasizes the power of our thoughts and beliefs in creating our external circumstances.

According to this law, when we consistently hold a specific assumption in mind – whether consciously or unconsciously – it influences how events unfold and opportunities arise. This principle underscores the importance of being mindful of our inner dialogue and mental patterns because they ultimately determine the outcomes we experience.

Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption Explained | Manifest Anything

How to Practice the Law of Assumption

Embracing Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption involves a shift in mindset to manifest your desires effectively. Start by visualizing your goal as already achieved, feeling the emotions associated with it. Immerse yourself in this mental state daily, allowing it to become natural.

Stay consistent and persistent in your assumptions, trusting the process even when you don’t see immediate results. Refrain from doubting or questioning; instead, have unwavering faith in the power of your assumptions.

Be mindful of your thoughts and beliefs, ensuring they align with what you are assuming. Replace any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs with positive affirmations that support your desired outcome.

Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption Explained | Manifest Anything


Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption is a powerful concept that teaches us to believe in the reality of our desires before they manifest. By understanding and practicing this law, we can unlock our full potential and manifest anything we desire in life. Through visualization, affirmations, and faith, we can align ourselves with our deepest desires and bring them into reality.

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